Thursday, December 8, 2022

California International Marathon - 2022

Ok, this one's going to be short and sweet...unlike the actual race. 

Seven and counting! 2022 is not my favorite medal.

This was my seventh time running CIM. I didn't expect a PR or BQ after completing IRONMAN California about a month prior. I also had been sick with a terrible cold/sinus infection since before Thanksgiving (Actually, I started having sinus problems after IMCA). Anyway, I decided to make the best of a bad situation and go out there and have fun and get my finisher's medal.

Emergency poncho! 

HS had been warning me about the weather all week. I knew the chance of rain was going to be high. I sprung for the $5 rain poncho at the CIM Expo and hoped that I wouldn't have to wear it for the entire 26.2 miles. Thankfully, the poncho was off before the race started. This year I chose to wear a hydration vest/pack. Originally, I was going to wear a hip pack to carry the poncho and gels, but the strap looked like it had been chewed by some vicious animal (I'm blaming Wags). 

Wagner, the destroyer of all things I decide
I need at the last minute!

The hydration pack worked fine and allowed me to keep my hands free and it matched my shoes! I sipped casually from the tube every time I passed an aid station.

Since it was a bit chilly, I wore a long sleeve thermal top. There was an internal thumb strap that kept the sleeves pulled down past my Garmin. Mentally this was just the break I needed because I couldn't stare at my watch every couple of minutes and fret about my pace. I ran the race, only focusing on enjoying the fact that I was out there on the course instead of sitting at home. 

I tried not to chase other runners (old habits die hard) but occasionally found myself mad at someone for passing me wearing a running skirt or wearing their hair in a man-bun. Don't ask me why those things trigger me in a race, but I have determined that these people should not be allowed to pass. LOL

The race proceeded as well as could be expected given my sinus infection reduced training (hey, I was calling it an enhanced taper). I ran through Fair Oaks Village and kept my eyes peeled for signs of HS. There was no sign of him so I assumed he was either inside somewhere grabbing food or he decided to go to church. He went to church. I trudged along, pleased with myself that I had continued to run. I wasn't very speedy on this day, but I wasn't walking. 

I passed the 13.1 mark still feeling pretty good but dreading the next part of the course. I don't know what it is about this section, but it does not spark joy. Maybe it's just a bit bleak, I don't know. My pace was pretty consistent through the first 18 miles and then my cold medicine wore off. The first coughing fit scared me a bit. I was on a bit of a descent and as I coughed, it felt like my brain short circuited and my legs went haywire. I steadied myself, but after it happened a second time, I decided to walk when I started coughing. 

Then I decided to walk when I went through the aid stations. Then I decided to walk because my left calf was tight. Then I decided to walk because I was over it. As flat as the course was at this point, it was all downhill for me. I was done. I wanted to cross the finish line and get my medal.

Screen grab from the free finish line video on Athlinks
(I won't be buying any of the saddest race photos 
since the first time I did Barb's Race)

Post Race

HS was at the finish dutifully waiting. He asked what happened at 24th Street because he said that is when the tracking stopped moving. I shrugged, just wanting to get my swag and leave. I'm not sure what the tracker is based on, but I slowed down way before he noticed.

The walk to our truck seemed incredibly far and my legs continued to tighten up. I limped along in pain and hoped that he was picking the quickest route to the parking structure. I remarked to HS how it was so strange how my legs can hurt so much more after a marathon than an IRONMAN race to which he replied "You weren't doing a lot of running in IRONMAN." OUCH, BABE!!! LOL

Got my medal and didn't ruin my new Saucony shoes.

We drove straight home and I stood in the freezing cold hot tub for about 5 minutes before wimping out and getting into a nice warm epsom salt bath. I hobbled down stairs and slipped into my Hyperice recovery boots. These were a godsend after IRONMAN. I was relying on them to save me again. 

Best purchase I have made in a while!

I wore the boots several more times over the next 24 hours and wondered if there was limit on how much you could use them. I didn't care. My legs were feeling 1000% better and I could manage the stairs and even walking the dogs. On day 2 when I normally found myself in a free fall situation every time I used the toilet, I was impressingly controlled and lowered myself like a lady.

Least favorite shirt. Missing the V-neck and the blue.

On Monday, I donned my new CIM shirt before we headed out to get my prescription (should have called the doctor before that the race). As I walked out of the bathroom, I turned to look in the mirror. What is wrong with my shirt? I had requested a large so it would be more of a lounge shirt but it felt very restricted through the shoulders. Were the arm holes too low? Did I have it on backwards? What is going on? I turned and faced the mirror. Something is definitely not right but I can't put my finger on it. I took the shirt off and swapped it for my Jed Smith Ultra shirt. Whatever...I ran for the medal not the shirt.

Final Wrap Up

All that being said...I just signed up for 2023!  Hopefully, HS will be joining me in the finisher pics ;-)

2016 CIM
Mike's first and only marathon. He missed qualifying for
the Boston Marathon by less than 5 minutes!!!

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