Sunday, February 24, 2013

Dude, where's my helmet?

Today's ride hinged on what the weather was going to do...if the wind was blowing like yesterday, the ride was going to be canceled.  This fact put me in a bit of a funk this morning...that, and only getting about 4 hours of sleep.  Luckily, the wind died down to about 10-12mph and James confirmed that the ride was on.  I quickly changed my clothes and checked the air in our tires.  Mike changed his clothes and grabbed our "biking" bag.  Unfortunately, the bag did not include my helmet.

Yesterday afternoon, Mike and I were trying out a shorter stem on my tri bike that James lent us.  Unfortunately, one of the bolts snapped off while Mike was putting it on my bike.  I rode the bike briefly to see how a shorter stem felt, but it really wasn't enough time to be sure.  Anyway, when I brought the bike back in so Mike could put my original stem back on the bike, I took my helmet off and set it down on the table.  As a result, when Mike grabbed our bag with our shoes and gloves, it only contained one helmet...Mike's.

We arrived at Bear Creek High School at 12:30 and promptly started unloading our gear.  It was at that point that I realized we didn't have my helmet.  Now, let me just mention that when I normally grab our bike bag, I check to make sure everything is in there...I'm just saying.   Mike, although unhappy about me not having my helmet and my earlier foul mood, was a sport about it and went home to get my helmet.

While we waited for Mike to return with my helmet, Eric and I got to talking and found out that we both drove MGB GT's in high school (and I thought I was the only one).  Wish my car was as clean as the one below, but it was close ;-)  British Racing Green with chrome spoke wheels.

Anyway, Mike returned with my helmet and we headed off for our ride.  It seemed like we faced a headwind for the majority of the ride.  If you check out our Garmin stats, you can see our pace really pick up about mile 17, when the wind was finally at our backs.  Even though it is easy to blame the wind for my slower pace, the truth is that my legs were tired!  I ran 13.1 on Friday, ran about 4.5 on Saturday and to be honest, I was feeling the miles today.

Goals for Next Week

Lucky me, I have a 5 day work week, NOT!!!  The only good thing about this is the fact that it keeps my eating fairly clean.  Hopefully my Triathlon Training Bible will show up tomorrow and I can begin outlining my training plan to 70.3.  

I'm going to practice changing gears on the new bike as well as continuing my nightly tire changing drills. 


Thank you James and Eric for being patient while we rounded up my helmet :-)

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