Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Week 1 Recap: 90 / 10 Rule

So, Week #1 is over and I am down almost two pounds. It's not quite where I wanted to be as my "plan" was to lose .27 pounds or 4.32 ounces a day. 

Oddly similar to the cartoon below

Slow and steady wins the race, right?

4.32 ounces x 7 days = 30.24 ounces in a week
30.24 / 16 ounces in a pound = 1.89 pounds

I started last week at 165.3 and this morning I weighed 163.6 for a total loss of 1.70 pounds. I have a couple of spreadsheets that I use so I can see the daily changes week over week, because let's be honest, Mondays are usually the worst for me. So even if my weight is up on a Monday, if it's lower than the previous Monday, I still take that as a win.

Last week's numbers

This is how I compare my weeks

Last Week Recap

So, there were a couple of days where I did not stick to my plan of no gluten and no refined sugar. I also forgot to drink a glass of water first thing on a couple of days. Typically I would beat myself up for going off track and then I would throw the rest of the week away and just tell myself I would start again on Monday. This time, I shrugged it off and started over the next day.

90/10 Rule

I really like the 90/10 rule I saw posted on Facebook...Make great food choices 90% of the time and for the remaining 10%, cut yourself some slack. I'm going to keep this in mind this week. I am excited to see my progress next Monday.

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