Monday, July 14, 2014

Less Than Two Weeks To Go

Now that I've gotten the Tri for Real #2 out of the way I feel like I can finally settle down and focus on my taper and getting ready for Barb's Race. My schedule for today called for a 2,200-2,500y swim. I planned on taking it easy. Since Coach James had a family commitment, my two options for swimming were 5am at Tokay or after work at 24 Hour Fitness. Since I start work at 6am, I opted for the afternoon swim.

Bad Idea

HS was clearly against the idea of swimming at the gym, but he went along with me anyway. When we got to the pool at 24 Hour Fitness, two of the three lanes were clearly being used. The third lane had a kid in it that seemed to be late for something because he kept checking his watch. He then started playing on the steps and I made my move to my new lane. HS followed me and we started swimming.

Within about 10 minutes a lady came and sat down on the steps. HS had stopped at the opposite end of the pool and muttered something when I made my turn. The next thing I know, HS is out of the pool and three new people have joined my lane...WTH?? The far lane was open so I made my move.

I started swimming again and HS disappeared into the sauna. At that point, I was about 700y into my planned swim. The guy in the lane next to me kept me entertained. He would wait until I pushed off and then he would swim full blast across the pool. Good job, dummy! I'm not racing, I'm in the middle of a recovery win. LOL

Then my workout plan changed. As I rested on the wall, a man that can only be described as Jabba the Hutt in a stained tank top walked into the pool area. He could only be there for one reason...he planned on swimming. At that point, I was the only single in a lane, which meant I was odds on favorite to get a lane mate. The only thing I hate worse than sharing a lane with a stranger is sharing a lane with a big, sweaty stranger. I started swimming as fast as I could so I could get to a 1,000y and then get out.

The big stranger showered off (with his tank top on) and then sort of lingered on the deck. I'm sure my BRF (Bitchy Resting Face) was holding him off, but it wouldn't work forever.

Me , my sister, and both of my daughters are afflicted with this ;-)

Thankfully I finished my reduced yardage and I joined HS in the sauna. A little passive heat training is just what the doctor ordered...especially after seeing the temps at yesterday's Vineman 70.3. Yikes!

The sauna was hovering around 180 degrees today and I immediately started sweating. Since this was an unplanned sauna session, I didn't have any water with me. On top of that, my HR was a little elevated by my "get out" swim set. By 18 minutes, I felt like I had been in the sauna for half an hour. The last 12 minutes were brutal, but I stuck it out.

How Could You Swim in That?

When HS and I got in the truck to go home. He wondered how I could stay in that water. He asked "Didn't you see the tissue paper floating in the bottom?" "No" I replied (tissue paper = toilet paper... shudder).

"And then there was the bandage" he added. Ugh...this is starting to make me feel sick. "I was hoping that was chlorine on the bottom" I remarked and then added "I purposely wasn't de-fogging my goggles". The kicker was when he told me about the shoes.

"What about that lady soaking her feet?" he asked. "With her shoes on?"

Really? REALLY? What is wrong with people??? Putting your nasty, stinky gym shoes in the pool. Yuck! Yuck! YUCK!

"When I get home I'm taking a shower and using anti-bacterial soap!" I announced. I commented that I needed a shot of whiskey to kill anything I may have accidentally ingested.

No TCB today, this was medicinal!

Shocker, there was no whiskey in the house...not that I would have been able to tolerate it. Instead I opted for a shot of tequila. After my internal germicide, I hopped in the shower and scrubbed off.

I realize that this post is somewhat off topic...I mean, all I really did was complain about the poor pool conditions at 24 Hour Fitness, but my "musings" help me deal with the crazy feelings that start to build up as I get closer to the race ;-)


My plan for tomorrow is a 30 minute run, some stretching and foam rolling. I also intend to get my race plan out of my head and onto paper...or at least my computer.

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